The newest relaxing trend - snake massage!

Tired of the normal spa treatments? Well, then turn your attention to the latest means of pampering: snake massage !
Therapist Ada Barak in Norther Israel provides this unusual treatment, in which she places six non-venomous snakes on her clients’ aching body.

The clients apparently feel relaxed as the snakes move on their body and face.
Barak got the idea for the unique therapy after noticing visitors to her roadside attraction called Ada Barak’s Carnivorous Plant Farm.

She observed that people loved to touch the snakes that slithered around on her plants.
Even though the massage seems creepy, business is booming for Barak.

"People either like it a lot or they hate it," quoted her as saying.
She insists that the massage costing 80 dollars provides "energy" and "sensuality" to her clients.
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